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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

New release...... Dahlia Of The Dead

This Marionette has broken free from her strings and wants to do her own thing. Dahlia Of The Dead continues to search for the lost spirits of by gone Marionettes to help them on their journey! 
Dahlia is just one marionette in a whole collection that we will be bringing out over the next coming months!
Yes, yes we know she's kinda cute, but we can't be wicked all of the time.................right????

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Harvester

Good evening to all you darker crafters out there.
It's about time we showcased another creation from The Goblyn Workshop

This not so happy chap calls himself The Harvester and he will certainly reap anything that you sow.

One of our angry little Goblyn's made this door hanger.......................If you see it hanging on a door near you, you'd be well advised to keep that door well and truly closed.
If you consider yourself brave and don't find yourself hiding behind any pillows right now can find him HERE

Monday, 13 July 2015

Mad or Crazy?........You decide

Good morning Goblyn fans, we trust you've been sufficiently creepy in our absence?
For even The Goblyn King needs to recharge his evil batteries at times.
As for this weeks showcase, we'd like to introduce you to our Mad Hatter.
As usual our Goblyns have been busy trying to make him look vaguely respectable!
We call him Mad Hatter..............although he looks a little crazy to me. 
 I'm not quite sure I'd like him to serve up my afternoon tea!!
If you want to join his crazy tea party you can find him HERE and don't forget to share your love on our Facebook page.