Blogger Templates

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Clockwork Clementine

Greetings wicked crafty folk, it sure has been a while.
Another Marionette has broken free from her strings whilst we've been away, she too wants to do her own thing. It looks like our Clockwork Clementine doesn't need winding up these days to get where she wants to go!

I need to go and wake the Goblyns and whip them into shape so that they can rustle up some awesome inspiration for your peeping eyes!!!
See ya soon

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Cyber Sindi

Hey there Goblyn fans
It's about time we updated our blog with another wicked post, so we thought we'd showcase "Cyber Sindi" on of our resident Cyber Goths.

Pretty in pink, she's ready to rock out any nightclub ;-)

If you like what you see, you can find her HERE

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

New release...... Dahlia Of The Dead

This Marionette has broken free from her strings and wants to do her own thing. Dahlia Of The Dead continues to search for the lost spirits of by gone Marionettes to help them on their journey! 
Dahlia is just one marionette in a whole collection that we will be bringing out over the next coming months!
Yes, yes we know she's kinda cute, but we can't be wicked all of the time.................right????

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Harvester

Good evening to all you darker crafters out there.
It's about time we showcased another creation from The Goblyn Workshop

This not so happy chap calls himself The Harvester and he will certainly reap anything that you sow.

One of our angry little Goblyn's made this door hanger.......................If you see it hanging on a door near you, you'd be well advised to keep that door well and truly closed.
If you consider yourself brave and don't find yourself hiding behind any pillows right now can find him HERE

Monday, 13 July 2015

Mad or Crazy?........You decide

Good morning Goblyn fans, we trust you've been sufficiently creepy in our absence?
For even The Goblyn King needs to recharge his evil batteries at times.
As for this weeks showcase, we'd like to introduce you to our Mad Hatter.
As usual our Goblyns have been busy trying to make him look vaguely respectable!
We call him Mad Hatter..............although he looks a little crazy to me. 
 I'm not quite sure I'd like him to serve up my afternoon tea!!
If you want to join his crazy tea party you can find him HERE and don't forget to share your love on our Facebook page.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Zombie Clown

Hey creep fans, it's time for another digi showcase!
This week we bring you our resident undead team member Zombie Clown...........we always invite him to our parties.

The goblyns have been busy crafting up some inspiration for this little fella.

If you want to check him out in all his digital glory then head on over to The Goblyn Workshop, he will be waiting for you HERE.
Don't forget to share your creepy creations on our Facebook page too, we'd love to see what you've been up to.
Do come back soon. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Good afternoon creepy crafters.
I'd like to introduce you to Zelda the Zombie Fairy............would you "really" like her to grant you a wish?
I guess it depends on what you wish for!! ;-)
Feast your eyes on the inspiration from our goblyns

If your inner darkness has been awakened by our goblyns, then go check out The Goblyn Workshop.  You can find Zelda here.................make her cute if you dare!!
Thanks for stopping by, come back swoon!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Sneaky Peek New Release Digi Stamp

Greetings dark and mysterious crafters.
Just a wee little update to spill the beans on what The Goblyn King has been upto recently, with one of our latest new release digi stamps.
He goes by the name of The Harvester
We hope you like what you see. 
The Goblyns are busy cooking up some inspiration for you all, so please stop by again soon to check out their creations.......................or you may find that this Harvester might want to reap your soul.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Winnie The Witch

Good afternoon crafty goblyns, we hope this day treats you well.
We'd like to share with you today a little bit more inspiration from one of our lovely little digi stamps.
This wise old witch goes by the name of Winnie, and although seemingly harmless in appearance I'm sure she knows a trick or two.

If you're feeling inspired with what you see, and would like to craft up something a little sinister, get your colouring mediums and crafty stash at the ready.  Then hop on over to our Facebook page and share with us what you've created from The Goblyn Workshop, we'd love to see it.

Thanks for stopping by, call again soon xx

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Celebrating Alice In Wonderland

Can you believe that Alice In Wonderland is 150 years old this year?  I'd say she's looking pretty darn good for a woman of that age!
Here at The Goblyn Workshop, liking all things curious and strange, we've decided to celebrate this event with a range of Digi Stamps.
So we'd like to introduce you to Alice.
If you like what you see, then why not swing by our Etsy shop for a can find Alice here!
The Goblyns have been busy crafting up some projects to inspire those that may have had a Mojo Meltdown. 

Although this time around Alice might not be so alternative, we thought it best to ease you gently into The Goblyn King's style.  As I fear next time around for Alice he won't be so kind!!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Open Says Me!!

The Goblyn King hereby declares his workshop well and truly open!
If you wish to get your crafty fingers on some slightly alternative Digi Stamps, then head on over to our Etsy shop and see what gets your mojo moving. 
Then why not share your devilish creations on our Facebook page to inspire like minded crafters, and of course to showcase your talents!

Monday, 20 April 2015

Welcome To The Goblyn Workshop!

We are all very excited over here at Goblyn towers, as we are preparing for the grand opening of our brand new Etsy shop!! 
For all you crazy crafters out there looking for digi stamps with a difference, slightly odd or alternative.............and probably something a wee bit nice but not sugar coated, then please hop over and take a look.
In the meantime get your Promakers polished, collect your Copics and grab those Graph Its and get ready to check back on the updates of our launch!
See you soon xx