Blogger Templates

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Celebrating Alice In Wonderland

Can you believe that Alice In Wonderland is 150 years old this year?  I'd say she's looking pretty darn good for a woman of that age!
Here at The Goblyn Workshop, liking all things curious and strange, we've decided to celebrate this event with a range of Digi Stamps.
So we'd like to introduce you to Alice.
If you like what you see, then why not swing by our Etsy shop for a can find Alice here!
The Goblyns have been busy crafting up some projects to inspire those that may have had a Mojo Meltdown. 

Although this time around Alice might not be so alternative, we thought it best to ease you gently into The Goblyn King's style.  As I fear next time around for Alice he won't be so kind!!

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